#Ring TheBell (again) and Happy Holidays!
So funny, I probably was the most skeptical person when signing up for the program. But the desire to change and grow was more powerful than my fear and skepticism.
Well, I just signed a contract with a company as a 1099 Contractor for 3 months with reevaluation after.
And as I said before: “I even didn’t start being aggressive in finding opportunities” All I was doing is talking to people around me. And I guess I sounded so confident that it just worked.
With this particular company I set up the meeting to offer my services as an integrator and he loved my sale pitch so much that he said: “I want you to work with me!” After thinking for 24 hours and discussing details with Daniel wasn’t able to find anything that possibly can stop me from taking the opportunity.
I do not have a background in IT, I am absolutely new to the industry. What I do have is intention and absolute confidence that anything I focus on expands and manifests.
It is happening faster than I was expecting but I am very grateful for this. Thank you again for this program and your genuine support, to all SWS team