#RingTheBell Signed up to work with a Company that provides Cybersecurity. Both husband and wife are close family friends. Went on call to help and support and provide values and insight, was not planning to convert friends into paid clients. Was totally surprised when they asked how can we work together.
They are a 3-year-old company, currently at million dollars. Only have clients through word of mouth and their own networks. Their competitors are Billion dollars company. They do have CRM Pipedrive which they are not utilizing fully.
It will be 3K first month and then $6K/per month. I did let them know of profit sharing in the future. The biggest win for me is – I surpassed my Engineering corporate salary within one year of leaving corporate and is on 6 Figure run rate.
It’s amazing after Joining RIA accelerator and getting 1:1 coaching with Ravi Abuvala, Zak Blake, Raj Dua, and the support of Daniel Gray all along has helped me to gain confidence to double my prices compared to the beginning of this year when I started.